Premium Stone Care Products & Supplies

Premium Stone Care Products & Supplies

About StonePro


It’s difficult to find accurate information on the web nowadays about Premium Stone Care Products & Supplies.

Large companies can dominate the Internet with their ability to show up first page after page in web searches.

We know it can be frustrating to find what really is going to work for the natural stone, engineered stone, terrazzo or concrete you need to maintain or restore.  

We want you to find the right solution.  

Premium Stone Care Products & Supplies
Premium Stone Care Products & Supplies
+ Satisfied Customers
Premium Stone Care Products & Supplies
+ Years in Business

The StonePro Difference

We manufacture in the state of California. The strictest environmental laws in the country start here.   If you were looking for safe, environmentally  sustainable products – you’ve come to the right place.

For over 25 years our team has included the top trainers in the industry teaching all over the world how to maintain and restore stone and concrete surfaces. If you need help, you’ve come to the right place.

We know that not everyone can specialize in natural stone and that it can be very complicated and specialized.  If you’re looking for simple processes with great results, you’ve come to the right place.

For over 25 years we’ve had the unique ability to get immediate feedback from contractors, fabricators, artisans and service technicians all over the US regarding our premium stone care products and their effectiveness.

If you’re looking for a company that offers a complete line of products to solve any problem and polish any surface, you’ve come to the right place.

Contact us today.  We’d love to help!

StonePro formulates Ultimate Pro and Porous Pro - VOC compliant and as effective as outlawed sealers.
StonePro launches products for stone cleaning and restoration.
StonePro hits 1 million gallons of Ultimate Pro sold.
StonePro is choses as the #1 sealer by the Artisan Group - leading stone fabricators in the US
StonePro opens US production facility for polishing pads.
StonePro wins Best of Sustainability at StoneExpo for Ultimate Pro